petek, 25. november 2022


FTX wasn't a ponzi scheme. All of crypto is a ponzi scheme. It only derives value by people being convinced to invest their money now with the promise of the bubble inflating. If you're not actually making a product or providing a service and you only make money by other people investing and driving the price up, you're a ponzi scheme.

petek, 11. november 2022

Spruance, legenda

Trey Spruance mentioned his fondness for the genre in a 2007 interview. When asked if he thought it would make a comeback, he stated "Fuckin' revisionists probably won't think its cool enough... they'll go straight for the flannels and heroin."


Wow, kera naveza!

FROM: Iron Cthulhu Apocalypse YT kanal

TO: dark Romania folk