nedelja, 20. oktober 2013

Adijo, Jovanka

With her death, "one of the last most reliable witnesses of our former country's history" had been lost

petek, 6. september 2013

Simpson moment

In fact, when you're up there yak-yak-yaking, I'm usually either sleeping or mentally undressing the female parishioners. Anyway, can I have $50,000?

If he can teach a class, _he_ can teach a class -- I mean, _I_ can teach a class!

sreda, 21. avgust 2013

Selling tickets to Bedlam

"compared watching Britain's Got Talent to "selling tickets to Bedlam" - referring to the Bethlem Royal Hospital for the mentally ill, which allowed the public to pay to look at the patients in the 18th century."

četrtek, 8. avgust 2013